“And make me one of the inheritors of the Garden of Delight”
وَاجْعَلْنِي مِن وَرَثَةِ جَنَّةِ النَّعِيمِ
Waj’alnee min warathati jannatin-na’eem.
Surah Ash-Shu’ara ,verse 85
This is the supplication of Prophet Ibrahim Alaihissalaam.
“And make me one of the inheritors of the Garden of Delight”
وَاجْعَلْنِي مِن وَرَثَةِ جَنَّةِ النَّعِيمِ
Waj’alnee min warathati jannatin-na’eem.
Surah Ash-Shu’ara ,verse 85
This is the supplication of Prophet Ibrahim Alaihissalaam.