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Dua to gain ALLAH’S LOVE, love of other people and good deeds


”O Allah! I ask You for Your Love and the love of those who love You, and deeds which will cause me to attain Your Love. O Allah! Make Your Love dearer to me than myself, my family and the cold water”

‏”‏اللهم إني أسألك حبك، وحب من يحبك، والعمل الذي يبلغني حبك، اللهم اجعل حبك أحب إلى من نفسي، وأهلي، ومن الماء البارد‏”‏‏.

Abud-Darda’ (May Allah be pleased with him) reported that The Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) said, “One of Prophet Dawud’s supplications was:

Allaahumma inni as’aluka hubbaka, wa hubba man yuhibbuka, wal-‘amalalladhi yuballighuni hubbaka. Allaahumm-aj’al hubbaka ahabba ilayya min nafsi, wa ahli, wa minal-maa’il-baarid

[At- Tirmidhi].

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Word-by-word Meanings:

Allaahumma اللهم O Allah!
inni إني indeed
as’aluka أسألك ،I ask You
hubbaka, حبك، for Your Love
wa hubba وحب and the love of those
man yuhibbukaمن يحبك، who love You
wal-‘amalوالعملand deeds
alladhi الذيwhich will
yuballighuni يبلغني cause me to attain
hubbakaحبكYour Love.
AllaahummaاللهمO Allah!
aj’al اجعل Make
hubbaka حبك Your Love
ahabbaأحبdearer to me
ilayya إلى ‏to
min منthan
nafsi, نفسي، myself,
wa ahli, وأهلي، my family
wa minal-maa’iومن الماء and the water