Buy our Dua Book (120 Beautiful Du’as from the Holy Quran)

Dua for the bereaved

Surely, Allah takes what is His, and what He gives is His, and to all things He has appointed a time…so have patience and be rewarded.

إِنَّ للهِ ما أَخَذ، وَلَهُ ما أَعْـطـى، وَكُـلُّ شَيءٍ عِنْـدَهُ بِأَجَلٍ مُسَـمَّى.فَلْتَصْـبِر وَلْتَحْـتَسِب
‘Inna lillaahi maa ‘akhatha, wa lahu maa ‘a’taa, wa kullu shay’in ‘indahu bi’ajalin musamman faltasbir waltahtasib.
Al-Bukhari 2/80, Muslim 2/636.