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Dua against evil portent

As foreboding of good, these used to please the Prophet (Sallal laahoo alaihi wassallam) and so when he heard good words from someone, he used to say: “We have taken from you a good portent from your mouth,”
“O Allah there is no portent other than Your portent, no goodness other than Your goodness, and none worthy of worship other than You.”

اللّهُـمَّ لا طَيْـرَ إِلاّ طَيْـرُك، وَلا خَـيْرَ إِلاّ خَـيْرُك، وَلا إِلهَ غَيْـرُك
Allaahumma laa tayra ‘illaa tayruka, wa laa khayra ‘illaa khayruka, wa laa ‘ilaaha ghayruk
Ahmad 2/220, Ibn As-Sunni (no. 292). See also Al-Albani, Silsilatul-‘Ahadlth As-Sahihah 3/54, (no. 1065).  Abu Dawud, Ahmad. See also Al-Albani, Silsilatul-‘Ahadith As-Sahihah 2/363, and it is with Abu Ash-Shaikh Al-Asfahani