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Dua for the withholding of the rain

“O Allah, let it pass us and not fall upon us, but upon the hills and mountains, and the center of the valleys, and upon the forested lands.”

اللّهُمَّ حَوالَيْنا وَلا عَلَيْـنا، اللّهُمَّ عَلى الآكـامِ وَالظِّـراب، وَبُطـونِ الأوْدِية، وَمَنـابِتِ الشَّجـر
Allaahumma hawaalaynaa wa laa ‘alaynaa. Allaahumma ‘alal-‘aakaami wadh-dhiraabi, wa butoonil-‘awdiyati, wa manaabitish-shajar
Al-Bukhari 1/224, Muslim 1/614.