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Dua for a family who invites you to break your fast with them

“With you, those who are fasting have broken their fast, you have fed those who are righteous, and the angels recite their prayers upon you.”

أَفْطَـرَ عِنْدَكُم الصّـائِمونَ وَأَكَلَ طَعامَـكُمُ الأبْـرار، وَصَلَّـتْ عَلَـيْكُمُ الملائِكَـة
‘Aftara ‘indakumus-saa’imoona, wa ‘akala ta’aamakumul-‘abraaru, wa sallat ‘alaykumul-malaa’ikatu.
Abu Dawud 3/367, Ibn Majah 1/556, An-Nasa’i, ‘Amalul-Yawm wal-Laylah 296-8. Al-Albani graded it authentic in Sahih Abu Dawud 2/730.