“My Lord, have mercy upon them both as they brought me up [when I was] small.”
رَّبِّ ارْحَمْهُمَا كَمَا رَبَّيَانِي صَغِيرًا
Rabbi irhamhumaa kamaa rabbayaanee sagheeraa
Surah Al-Isra ,verse 24
This dua can be recited
- To invoke Allah to shower His Blessings and Mercy on your parents
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Allah says in the Holy Quran:-
(23. And your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him. And that you be dutiful to your parents. If one of them or both of them attain old age in your life, say not to them a word of disrespect, nor reprimand them but address them in terms of honor.) (24. And lower unto them the wing of submission and humility through mercy, and say: “My Lord! Bestow on them Your mercy as they did bring me up when I was young.”)
Allah commands us to worship Him alone, with no partner or associate.The idea of worshipping Allah is connected to the idea of honoring one’s parents.
Here He commands good treatment of parents, as He says elsewhere:
(give thanks to Me and to your parents. Unto Me is the final destination) ﴿31:14﴾
Do not let them hear anything offensive from you, not even say “Uff!” which is the mildest word of disrespect,
`Ata’ bin Rabah said that it meant, “Do not raise your hand against them.” When Allah forbids speaking and behaving in an obnoxious manner, He commands speaking and behaving in a good manner, so He tells to speak gently, kindly, politely, and with respect and appreciation.
(and say: “My Lord! Bestow on them Your Mercy as they did bring me up when I was young.”) means, say this when they grow old and when they die. Ibn `Abbas said: ”
But then Allah revealed:
(It is not (proper) for the Prophet and those who believe to ask Allah’s forgiveness for the idolators. ..)” ﴿9:13﴾ There are many Hadiths which speak about honoring one’s parents, such as the Hadith narrated through a number of chains of narration from Anas and others, which states that the Prophet climbed up on the Minbar, and then said, ((Amin, Amin, Amin.)) It was said, “O Messenger of Allah, why did you say Amin” He said:
(Jibril came to me and said, “O Muhammad, he is doomed who hears you mentioned and does not say Salaam upon you.” He said, “Say Amin,” so I said Amin. Then he said, “He is doomed who sees the month of Ramadan come and go, and he has not been forgiven.” He said, “Say Amin,” so I said Amin. Then he said, “He is doomed who grows up and both his parents or one of them are still alive, and they do not cause him to enter Paradise.” He said, “Say Amin,” so I said Amin.)
Another Hadith Imam Ahmad reported from Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet (Peace be upon him) said:
(He is doomed, he is doomed, he is doomed, the man whose parents, one or both of them, reach old age while he is alive and he does not enter Paradise.) This version is Sahih although no one recorded it other than Muslim.
Another Hadith
Imam Ahmad recorded Mu`awiyah bin Jahimah As-Salami saying that Jahimah came to the Prophet and said: “O Messenger of Allah, I want to go out to fight and I have come to seek your advice.” He said,
(Do you have a mother) He said, “Yes.” The Prophet said,
(Then stay with her, for Paradise is at her feet.) Similar incidents were also recorded by others. This was recorded by An-Nasa’i and Ibn Majah.
Another Hadith
Imam Ahmad recorded that Al-Miqdam bin Ma`dikarib said that the Prophet said:
(Allah enjoins you concerning your fathers, Allah enjoins you concerning your mothers, Allah enjoins you concerning your mothers, Allah enjoins you concerning your mothers, Allah enjoins you concerning your close relatives then the next in closeness.) This was recorded by Ibn Majah from the Hadith of `Abdullah bin `Ayyash.
Another Hadith
Ahmad recorded that a man from Banu Yarbu` said: “I came to the Prophet while he was talking to the people, and I heard him saying,
(The hand of the one who gives is superior. (Give to) your mother and your father, your sister and your brother, then the closest and next closest.)”